This evening the two of us shared this baked cheese meal with some things to dip and add.
This recipe is adapted slightly from the one that came with the cheese baking container (with lid, not pictured).
1 piece of King Island triple cream brie (it was oblong rather than round, so it didn’t fill the container)
You could use camembert…
Put slivers of garlic and rosemary into the top of the brie.
Add a couple of tablespoons of white wine.
I diverted from the recipe by adding goat curd into the spaces on the sides of the oblong brie, and then stuff some halved cherry tomatoes in as well. So we ended up with a goaty cheese sauce around the brie.
Back to following the recipe, I chopped a red onion, cooked it slowly in butter and then added 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar. This was served as a side add-on rather than on the dish.
Bake the cheese for 15 mins at 175C.
Afterwards I sprinkled on some good quality local smoked bacon (Kanmantoo), cooked and blitzed to a crumb.
We had cheesy sticks and bread to dip into it, some torn up flatbread, the caramelised onion, olives, fresh cherry tomatoes.
Rich? Yes? Yummy? Yes. Will we do this again? Yes!